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About Donations for

Online Schooling for Moorish Children

Online Schooling for Moorish Children is a private institute of higher learning. We are not government funded or operated; we run on donations and parents paying their children’s tuition. Our tuition cost is small and we charge by household; donations are very important to our school. 

Donations have a significant impact on education and the finance you give helps with the general wellbeing of our students; who have the potential to become flourishing members of society. With the education we provide at Online Schooling for Moorish Children, your donations will make an amazing difference in a child’s life.

Both donations and student tuition help with the quality of many services we provide, it pays for tools, supplies, equipment and many other materials needed to keep our school running.

Once every year, with donations, we are able to aid one family with some of the costs inquired to attend Online Schooling for Moorish Children.

Whatever you can give, we will appreciate! Thank you for the support!

 Prime Minister NGSKS: Durriyyah Bey, Founder/CEO

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